Our standard Price List for Molecular Services:
Service Number | Analytes Isolation and QC | PRICE (USD) |
DNA preparation | ||
001_001_001 | Isolation of DNA, FF Tissue, miniprep, 1-47 samples | $ 90.00 |
001_001_004 | Isolation of DNA, FFPE Tissue, 10um curl, 1-47 blocks | $ 90.00 |
001_001_006 | Isolation of DNA, Whole Blood, miniprep (1 - 4ml) | $ 50.00 |
001_001_007 | Isolation of DNA, WB, including special tubes, 5 - 10ml | $ 150.00 |
001_001_009 | Isolation of DNA from Biofluids | $150.00 |
001_001_010 | Isolation of DNA from Cells, miniprep, 1-47 samples | $ 26.50 |
001_001_013 | DNA Quality (purity/quantity/concentration), NanoDrop, no isolation | $25.00 |
RNA preparation | ||
001_002_001 | Isolation of RNA, FF Tissue, miniprep, 1-47 samples | $ 95.00 |
001_002_004 | Isolation of RNA, FFPE Tissue, 10um curl, 1-47 blocks | $ 95.00 |
001_002_006 | Isolation of RNA, Whole Blood, miniprep (1 - 4ml) | $ 95.00 |
001_002_007 | Isolation of RNA, WB, including special tubes, 5 - 10ml | $ 150.00 |
001_002_009 | Isolation of RNA from Biofluids | Project Quote |
001_002_010 | Isolation of RNA from Cells, miniprep, 1-47 samples | $ 65.00 |
001_002_014 | RNA Quality, RIN by BioAnalyser, 1 chip, 1-12 samples | $ 150.00 |
001_002_016 | Dual DNA+RNA isolation, FF Tissue, miniprep, 1-47 | $ 160.00 |
001_002_017 | Dual RNA+DNA isolation, FFPE 10um curls, 1-47 blocks | 160 |
001_002_018 | Dual isolation of RNA+DNA, Cells, miniprep, 1-47 | $ 100.00 |
Protein Lysate Preparation | ||
001_003_001 | Protein Lysate preparation, HBS (100 ug total protein) | $ 65.00 |
001_003_002 | Protein Lysate preparation, HBS (1-5 mg total protein) | $ 150.00 |
001_003_003 | Protein Quality Assessment, quantity/concentration, no isolation | $ 25.00 |
Blood and Bone Marrow Processing | ||
001_006_001 | Serum preparation, WB (human, animal), 1 x 8ml tube | $25.00 |
001_006_002 | Plasma preparation, WB (human, animal), 1 x 8ml tube | $25.00 |
001_006_003 | Buffy coat, WB (human, animal), 1 x 8ml tube | $85.00 |
001_006_004 | PBMC isolation, 10ml WB (1-4 tubes, per tube) | $150.00 |
001_006_005 | PBMC isolation from 1 - 2ml animal blood (per sample) | $150.00 |
001_006_006 | Cell subtype isolation from Whole Blood (10 - 450 ml) | Quote |
001_006_007 | Cell subtype isolation, BM (up to 3ml) | Quote |
001_004_001 | PBMC Isolation from blood (1 unit, 450ml) | $550.00 |
001_004_003 | Cell viability (live/dead and total cell number) | $ 70.00 |
001_004_006 | FFPE tissue histology verification (one slide) | $ 13.00 |
Histology processing | ||
001_005_001 | Standard Protocol PM Fee | 20% |
001_005_002 | Custom Protocol PM Fee | 25% |
001_005_003 | Protocol Optimization for Custom Project, per hour | $ 150.00 |
001_005_007 | Rush Fee | 33% |